Beholder 3 Game Review

Welcom to the Greatest Union!
A totalitarian state that controls everything and everyone through oppressive laws, total surveillance and intimidation.
Frank Schwarz is a father and husband who was fired from his job as a ministerial secretary. To avoid prison time you were required to interact in high-ranking security agents.
You are now a government spy operating undercover as a landlord, you must break into tenant’s apartments, scan them for contraband and eliminate any person your boss would like to keep out from your view.
In order to climb up the ladder of the Ministry You will have to be aware of and plot against your coworkers. There are various factions that are secretly fighting for power over the Ministry and also the country. play them against each other for your benefit.
Can you get the life you used or even more?
Will you stand up to change the status quo and defend truth, or uphold the status quo?
Who are you willing be willing to let go to gain the things you desire? Two jobs available: One within the Ministry as well as one at the apartment block.
The various political factions fight to be the top party. Make sure you choose your side carefully.
Get all the quests you want from the Ministry that promote the ideology of a totalitarian government, manipulate flags and spread any propaganda that you are told.
Install surveillance cameras and monitor your offices and apartments.
Maintain your cover through daily tasks like paying bills, fixing up homes, and keeping tenants happy.

Honest Review sponsored by dragon ball z hentai

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